Measurement for the best
possible outcome-Healthy Clients

ACCUNIQ BC380 - Body Composition Analyzer

Body composition analyzer that can analyze body fat and muscle mass by part and evaluate the body's water balance.

Visbody S30 is a premium
3D body

Visbody S30 is a premium 3D body composition scanner that takes body composition analyzer devices to the next level.

It is specifically designed for medical, fitness, nutrition, body aesthetics, and spa applications. With the Visbody S30, users can experience a new level of body analysis and measurement that provides comprehensive data and insights for their

health and wellness goals.

Intelligent Treadmill A600

A truly ergonomic solution for head-up running posture. AI step-wise technological innovation. Immersive virtual fantastical running experience.

Seeing your body better

start more convenient and more enjoyable health care for your clients

Muscle mass, body fat and body water can be detected by just one scanning.


Obesity Analysis SegmentalSubcutaneous Fat-Visceral Fat-Visceral Fat Area


Optional parts and software not
considered to be medical devices.

Body Composition Analyzers

6 Frequency 8 Touch contacts
Muscle Mass Analysis Segmental *Skeletal Muscle-Soft Lean Mass-Fat Free Mass
and healthy ranges


sections, easily make unique layouts.


supercharge your online presence.


increased in monthly revenue, and attracted more clients through our website.

Got questions? we’ve got you covered.

Bioelectric Impedance Analysis

Metaronic uses advanced BIA (Bioelectric Impedance Analysis) technique.

Importance of body composition analysis

Body Composition analysis offers providers the in-depth data needed to improve diagnosis and treatment.

Metaronic Body Composition Analyzer

Multi-Frequency 8 Point Touch electrode method that correlates highly with DEXA

Metaronik help clinics enhance clients' health and appearance with advanced technology devices.

Kuwait City - Al-Tijaria, Tower - M1- Office 55

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